March 4, 2010


Hello All:

I'd like to welcome you to "Blackwards," a blog site where the BLACK point of view is king. On this site I will attempt to discuss local, state, national and world issues from my point of view (which is obviously black).

This is not to say that I speak for or respresent every black person in American, but at least the views and perspectives of a level-headed, educated black man will be heard. I'm tired of the WASP dominated media either going to our athletes or entertainer for the black point of view. Even though we love and respect "most of them" they are not representative of who we are.

So I will pick topics daily to discuss, mostly those misrepresented by the media and we will discuss them from our point of view. I seek rational conversations, dialouges and debates; not those filled with hate and contempt for a group of people.

I want us to be honest, not just about others but also about ourselves because we will never cure what ills this race until WE'RE able to talk about it open and honestly....We sometimes can be our worst enemy and that's what I want to talk about...but I want to discuss BLACKWARDS!!

We'll talk about our strengths, our weaknesses, our youth, education, our culture, our vices and many other topics...BLACKWARDS!

This is absolutely not a site just for blacks and others are encouraged and welcome to join in our conversations...but many times conversations have been held about his and we weren't a part of them, the ONLY thing I am trying to do is be a part of the conversations that affect us.